Every Sunday an offering is collected to support the ministry of the UUCHV with a portion of the non-pledge offering monies donated to a specific non-profit organization on a monthly basis. Share the Plate is just one way the UUCHV affirms and supports Unitarian Universalist Principles which calls for us to outreach and generously serve our local, as well as our international communities.
Share the Plate for the month of January will benefit UU Ministry for Earth. U.U. Ministry for Earth is a partner organization with U.U.A. focused on environmental issues and climate change. It has curriculum in Tapestry of Faith for adult and children’s religious education.
“This ministry is to inspire, facilitate and support the awareness of individuals and congregations of our planet’s environment and to support the implementation of our seventh U.U. principle.” For more information, please visit the website <>
It is the SJC's hope that the UUCHV will support this effort. The Social Justice Committee welcomes suggestions for 'Share the Plate' offerings. Please give your suggestions to Bearni Croft
Thank you, Bearni Croft and the Social Justice Committee.